Write for Your Audience

Write for Your Audience

When I write a blog post or article I try to concentrate on my subject, to figure out what my audience might want to read and research all the necessary parameters concerning my subject and the objectives I want to focus on. But writing for a blog, on purpose, is quite different in style and in context, from writing in general. More so when you have to deal with business writing! In business writing, you write to reach some specific objectives and your audience and how to serve them best must comes first!

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Sales is a Matter of Trust

Sales is a Matter of Trust


Trade economy is one the foremost and oldest form of exchanging goods among people. When I was a young boy, long before sports and girls had started to occupy our free time, I was in the habit of collecting and exchanging cards. There were cards with sport or movie stars captured during their “heroic” moments. We collect the cards from gum packages and we trade them in order to manage to have a full collection. I remember, that with a full collection you would get a wonderful album to keep the cards you have collected in and various other small gifts. The price was not such great, but the process of locating, trade them and negotiate for the cards we haven’t in our “repository” was exhilarating!

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Guy Kawasaki: The Top 10 Mistakes of Entrepreneurs

The Top 10 Mistakes of Entrepreneurs is a presentation by Guy Kawasaki given in UC Berkeley Startup Competition (Bplan).

Guy Kawasaki is one of the most creative and resourceful writers and entrepreneurs, I know and have many distinctions, both in his publishing as in his business activities. So when he talks you know that he knows very well on what is talking about, and about entrepreneurship is both experienced and knowledgeable to provide practical approaches for anyone wants to avoid pitfalls and obstacles in his business way!

Take a look at it and write us your thoughts in the comment section!